I was contacted by the American Chiropractic Network yesterday, apparently they are not happy that I utilize Spinal decompression in my practice.
I am a participating provider with ACN they manage United health care and Aetna Chiropractic network in New York.
I explained to them that this is an elective procedure and patients pay Cash or finance the service, and they are happy to pay because they are getting amazing results.
This seemed to fall on deaf ears, They made some valid points about the fact that more double blind studies must be done, also they mentioned that it is not taught at Chiropractic schools which is untrue because it is now taught at Life West.
ACN is the same group that recommends all Chiropractors to stop seeing patients after the 5th visit or you get reviewed and kicked out!
I no longer want someone to tell me how to treat my patients and how many visits to treat them for based on some formula. This is managed care and it doesn't take into consideration what is best for the patient.
The point I am making is that more studies do need to be conducted and if this procedure is going to gain mainstream acceptance as the preferred Non surgical treatment for Low back pain due to herniated discs more work must be done.
If you are a Chiropractor that is In network with any managed care plans you must play by their rules.
Did you ever wonder why pioneers in the medical field are not participating providers?
Spinal decompression in New York
Deep tissue Laser Therapy
Deep Tissue Laser Therapy
Today I wanted to update my NYC Chiropractor blog with how I integrate
different modalities into my practice. I started up a new ...
8 years ago
In spending many hours reading about the DRX, I'm fairly convinced of the technology. As with most medical issues, there are always going to be successes and failures.
My issue with the DRX is the price the practitioners are charging. Why can't this be more in line with other treatment charges? I understand the machine is expensive, but do the treatments have to be 5-10 times the charge? Any way you do the math, these practitioners are making their money back on the machine in the first year or two, and it must last at least 10 years.
I would love to hear from any Doctors or Chiros who use the DRX and can address this money issue. I agree with most posters who liken these sales tactics to snake oil salesmen. I have seen the presentations first hand and am skeptical just because of the onerous charges.
It's a shame too, because the DRX appears to be a great alternative to surgery, and, like any good technology, is sure to get much cheaper as competition enters into the market. I just don't want to be the guy who pays $10k for a plasma TV, when it can be made for much cheaper.
Looking forward to some proof.
I would love to answer your question. I use the DRX 9000 in my practice and from time to time I do get this question.
The equipment is expensive and the process is time consuming.
If a Dentist buys an expensive machine or a Doctor does Lasik eye surgery does he also lower his fees once his equipment is paid off?
I don't ever remember signing up to be a non-profit center. I have staff, and overhead. In order to run an office that can successfully provide excellent patient care and continue to excel in the field of spinal decompression I continually am looking for new methods and Non surgical techniques. All this costs money.
I am not sure if you feel that health care should be covered by someone else, i.e. the goverment.It is your health and it is your resposibilty.
In my clinic in Manhattan I offer 2 gratis treatment protocols (20 visits) which are worth around $5,700 to patients that are selected from a group of people that are unable to pay.
But if you can pay and have the means, this treatment that costs about $100 a month can change your life.
If you suffer with Back pain, or have a herniated disc the DRX 9000 treatment protocol that I use will correct your problem.
I have incorporated multiple non-surgical treatment methods that improve patient outcomes.
I recently added a Power Plate (10K) and a brand new Cold laser therapy (13K) to my practice.
All these things cost money.
Now if you got to a Chiropractor that is using an 8K table like the DTS and he wants to charge you $4,500 I agree with you that is a shame.
I hope I answered your question and hope that you get the care you desire.
If you have any other questions please feel free to post and I will answer as soon as possible.
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