I have been practicing Chiropractic care in NYC for 14 years now and the past 7 years I have been utulizing Non -surgical Spinal decompression with the DRX 9000 spinal decompression table.
I remind my patients that spinal decompression is not a panacea, but in most cases when all other methods have failed patients can expect great things from spinal decompression. A patient that recently completed a spinal decompression protocol with us in our NYC office was kind enough to email me a testimonial in english and spanish. I posted it below.
Spinal Decompression testimonial
My name is Sylvia Rivera and I am 59 years old. This is my story. It has been 5 years since I began suffering from backaches. I have been hospitalized, taken many pain killers, patches and different kinds of injections such as epidurals, joint facets, cortisone and many other relievers. But these just proved to be temporary pain relievers. At times I could not walk,tie my shoes,pick anything up or carry anything. I thought my life was over, as I have always been extremely active and had to stop dancing which has always been a passion of mine. However, since I went to Living Well Medical and met Dr. Shoshany my life has changed for the better. I can do so many things I thought I would never be able to do again. Now I can dance, walk and enjoy my life . I am so happy that I met Dr. Shoshany and was recommended the Spinal Decompression treatment. Dr. Shoshany made my life healthier and I am much happier. If you want your life back, I strongly recommend seeing Dr. Shoshany
In Spanish:
Mi nombre es Sylvia Rivera Y tengo 59 anos y esta es mi historia. Hacen aproximadamente cinco anos que he estado sufriendo de dolores de espalda. He estado internanda, he estado tomando medicamentos fuertes y injeciones en la espina dorsal con un poco de sedante o sea anestesia, me han recetado parchos para aliviar los dolores, Y he estado en tratamientos de terapia fisica por un ano. Me sentia casi invalida no tenia vida social, no me podia levanter de la cama todo era con mucho esfuerzo y con dolores constante. Desde que conoci al Dr. Shoshany en la clinica Living Well Medical y me hicieron el tratamiento de decromprencion mis dolores han disminuido en una forma fantastica. Ahora puedo amarrarme los zapatos, puedo bailar, caminar mejor y disfrutar de lo que me habia resignado,! disfrutar la vida!. El tratamiento que el Dr. Shoshany me ha recomendado ha sido lo mejor que me ha pasado en muchos anos. Si quieres tener tu vida activa otra vez Y sentirte mas fuerte deberias ir a ver al Dr. Shoshany YO LO RECOMIENDO.
As you can read this her quality of life has greatly improved, I see this type of recovery daily in our office.
If you or a loved one suffers with Back pain, Sciatica, pain from a pinched nerve or herniated disc consider Spinal decompression treatment prior to a surgical intervention.
If you have a MRI report I can review it at no charge and determine if it makes sense to come in for a No charge consultation. Fax the MRI report to
(212)777-1653 please inculde a cover sheet with your name and contact information, I will do my best to return calls within one day.
to learn more about Spinal decompression visit www.truespinaldecompression.com
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